Sean explains that the house is great and it has the best equipment. This is when we see the excitement of the fighters in their new home. Sean and Rafik stand in the ring and exclaim, "we are here!" above The Contender sign. Rafik exclaims that he had never seen grounds like this in his life. The men get a feel around the room and start to socialize with each other. They goof around as they try out the punching the bags and experiment with some of the equipment. They walk around the kitchen, which is stocked with all the possible food that a fighter would need; huge bottles of juice, bananas, bread and a whole lot of other types of food. They peak around the cupboards to see what is in store for them.
There, Stephen tells them that throughout the competition there will be a series of challenges that by winning will allow the winning team to decide who will be competing in the next fight. They will get to pick one person from their own team as well as the opponent from the losing team.
A "school yard pick" is conducted to decide how the fighters will be separated into their teams. Stephen has decided on who the team captains will be, which was dependent on their records and character. John Wayne is called up first. In the interview he says, "It was such an honor as there were so many other great fighters… it’s a privilege... I want to be a good role model." Rafik is chosen as the other captain and he says that he was chosen because "he is strong in his mind and in his body." Jaymee then tosses a coin to determine who will start picking their teammates first. Wayne picks tails and tails it is. He gets to pick first.
John Wayne says that feels the pressure at this point and chooses his countryman next, fellow Australian Soren. At this point the camera pans at Bruce who rolls his eyes at Wayne's decision. He says in his interview that he is a better fighter that Soren, hands down and is looks obviously unhappy that he was not chosen next. However, Rafik chooses him in his next draw. He then says he wanted to be on the opposing team from John Wayne as he has "a score to settle" from the past. Pitu is chosen next by Wayne. Rafik picks David. In the interview with Trevor, he says he is a short guy and obviously when picking a team they would naturally go for the one with the ones with the physical attributes. However, he just didn't want to be picked last.
There are only two more guys left to be picked. In his interview Trevor is the last to be picked by Wayne. He said he really did not want to be picked last and that he wanted to be on Wayne's team. He explains that he has been looking up to him throughout his career and thus it was a great honor for him. A sour Sean was picked last by Rafik and he said he felt pissed off and does not believe that he is the weakest person in the competition. Furthermore, he continued on to say that if people were going to underestimate him then he would use it in his favor.
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